Tips on Posing
Hey, who killed the lights? 😂 😂 Sorry for the lack of updates everyone I've just been rather busy lately. While I am working on a...
Putting on LEAN muscle mass
I've been talking a lot recently about how to stay lean, but I also realized it is just as important to use this offseason to make...
Tips to stay on course on your diet plan
Hey everyone! The last time I talked about the importance of getting the right mindset and perspective in regards to eating, dieting and...
My favourite chest exercise
Finishing up that last but very important chest exercise, the #cablecrossover for my chest routine. I'll probably start of with some...
How do I stay ripped all year round?
Recently, I was asked about my diet for staying #lean or #ripped all year round, but before I go into my diet tips I think many people...
Getting your abs to show?
So, following up with my last post it seems most people would like to know to I train my abs and how I get them to show almost all year...
Suns Out, Guns Out!
Sometimes, I get asked quite a bit how I train my arms although I don't exactly consider them my most impressive bodypart. 😂 Here are my...
5 tips to stay consistent in your fitness journey
Here are my top 5 Tips to stay #consistent and preserve the longevity of your fitness journey. Generally these are also good pointers for...